Customize watch holder step 1

Choose your own design

When ordering a Custom Watchholder you will enter the given information so the JD Prints team know what design you want.

Note that the hinge might be good for safety so that you can secure the holder to the boat with a string.

Also note that if you want logo on the front or further customization you should send an inquiry directly to us through the "contact us" page as described in 'How do I get logo on the front'.

When you have entered the information needed push the "Add to cart" button.

Customize watch holder step 2

How do I get logo on the front?

If text on side is not enough customization for you we offer our help to get the perfect custom watch holder for you. If you want logo on the front please send an enquiry to our "contact us page" or click the button below.

In the inquiry you should write "I want logo" and we will reply as fast as possible so that you can upload your image for the logo.

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